7 Reasons You Need Expert Business Copywriting to Grow Your Business

You may heard or even had this question yourself plenty of times: Do I need to hire a copywriter?

Short answer yes. Long answer yes and… 🙂

This is one of the most asked questions when it comes to copywriting—right behind, “What Is Copywriting?” Great read and an equally valuable question. 

But back to the topic at hand. Although you can and most likely have done the website copy and content marketing yourself, bringing on a freelance copywriter has numerous benefits. You may be creating content for LinkedIn or other social media sites but it's equally important to create content for your website, email marketing, and newsletter.

Content is King (or Queen) but not all content is the same. 

Let’s dig into the seven benefits of successful copywriting together.

1. Professionalism and Expertise Your Business Needs

Expert outside eyes to tell your story

For a business the cooking phrase “don’t get into the weeds” comes to mind. For example, experience has shown that very intelligent engineers who try to write a product or service sales page meant for their eager target audience completely misses the mark and lands like a stone at the bottom of the well—kerplunk. The end result is overly technical and completely missing the point of why this software update will be life-changing to the users. Instead the sales copy is bogged down with all of the amazing technical improvements, but the lack of copywriting skills alienates the vast majority who reads it.

Instead, the customers could be hit with the type of copywriting that smacks them in the face, something like, “How would you like to have 30 mins back in your day without costing you a thing?” These seemingly simple words speak directly to your buyers and makes their brains say, "I must have it!" My friends this is copywriting.

2. Save Time and Money When Using a Copywriting Business

You need content marketing and copywriting done now without wasting the company's money

A professional copywriter is trained to research your brand or business and write the type of content needed to effectively reach your target audience—all with minimal involvement from you.

You have a successful business to run. 

Instead of wasting a week writing, then rewriting, and having six different people you trust take a pass at it, you make the wise decision to include a freelance writer in your overall budget. By adding this expertise you will get work taken off your plate while increasing the visibility of your business through SEO (search engine optimized) blog posts, an active email list that keeps engagement high, and landing pages that convert.

It's a win/win!

You can be the best copywriting client by empowering your new partner to write copy that increases your sales while getting more time back to devote to your business.

3. Targeted Messaging for Business Growth

Writing specific to your industry through a conversational tone

Writing in a conversational tone is nothing like how you were taught in school. This takes every instinct you have and throws it out the window. 

It's short, sometimes erratic but somehow it feels more human and real. Its writing skills that're honed over many many hours and projects.

Every industry and audience is different. And even more so you and your potential clients are different. Grabbing the attention of a new client isn't easy and deserves the time and research needed to move them to act.

This is where specific audience or niche research comes into play. For instance, as a personal development copywriter, I go to where that audience is to learn what communication style they use and write to that. It’s funny and not funny at the same time. Great copywriting isn't about dumbing anything down but using a convincing conversational tone. If you aren’t speaking the same language as your customer then it won’t land as expected which will end up driving away those you are targeting.  

4. SEO Copywriting

You want customers to find you, right?

This is the long game when it comes to your business. Consistent updates to your website, landing pages, and blog posts all show Google you're open for business and you're worth it.

You can’t just “set it and forget it”—I love those infomercials, don’t you 😀—it's hard, especially for small businesses, but you must follow trends and capitalize when your competitors miss the boat.

Driving your website authority through SEO-optimized content takes weeks but it usually months of strategic planning and execution for progress to be made on where your website lands in search results. You may have a solid business that's been around for years or you're just starting; no one is immune from Google search requirements.

Be honest: Do you ever scroll down five or even ten website results when you search for something? Probably not and neither do your customers.

You need and I stress need to have a website copywriting strategy that lifts your site from the depths of the internet.

For example, the bare minimum of blog posts needed per month for Google to recognize your site is two. Realistically though four would be better. Are you putting this time and effort into that aspect of your business? On top of blogs do your have a strategically placed testimonial or two that provides the social proof all customers need to see? It's like a warm blanket reassuring them that you can do what you say you can do.

And blog posts are just one example, you also have meta descriptions for each page of your website. Alt-text on images for the visually impaired and for indexing purposes. This can be daunting for sure but is another reason you need to find the right partner with a wide range of copywriting services.

5. Brand Voice

Consistency, even through words, customers can feel 

Brand voice can be missed even by the best copywriters but it's increasingly important in copywriting and content writing. For example, large corporations tend to add a brand voice into their marketing plans and are very specific on phases and terminology they will and won’t use. This makes sure that every piece of content is verified as consistent with that brand. A freelance copywriting business should provide a portfolio that demonstrates the ability to understand everything you need and start writing.

Now, not every company is this strict but tone, at least, needs to be established and followed through all aspects of the business. Currently, if you are publishing sporadically and not keeping this in mind then the consumers of your material are not being brought along for the journey. It's a critical guide to copywriting before planning out content themes, seasonal trends, and hooks to get your customers looking to you can’t be understated. Effective copywriting isn't an accident.

Remember you are your brand and your brand is you so bringing a copywriting partner into the mix can be scary but embrace it. 

Related content:
Connecting Through Words: Creating an Authentic Brand Voice and Tone

6. Higher Conversion Rates

Copywriting is the art of persuasive writing that makes the profits flow 

To say it bluntly, copywriting is an emotional tool. It’s all about getting passed the logical side of the brain and hitting the lizard brain to make the connection with your audience. There are various practices of copywriting that helps to pinpoint and drive your message. Copywriting is persuasive and when done correctly will only increase your conversion rate.

There can be a dark side though and I am keenly aware of the psychological triggers that can get people to act now. 

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Voltaire or Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

Having ethics is crucial. People can be manipulated through persuasive writing but absolutely shouldn’t be. You can nudge someone in marketing campaigns to make a decision but should never be tricked. 

You want enthusiastic customers who will tell everyone they know about your business and will organically post about it online and be the first ones to sign up for your new offering. Not customers who feel duped and only make a quick buck off of that singular purchase. Use copywriting work for good not evil. 

7. Adaptability and Flexibility Are Key to a Successful Copywriting Business

Hire when needed, always up-to-date techniques 

As a small business owner you need to entrust your content to someone who is up on the writing trends and SEO updates.  Copywriting is nuanced and your business requires a special touch so let a specialized writer handle it for you. These important upfront business expenses will end up saving you money since you can hire on a per-project basis or even a monthly retainer with the bonus of not having the overhead of insurance or retirement. Doesn't more dollars in your pocket makes complete sense?

The Right Copywriting Partner

As crazy as it sounds finding the right person to work with can be as hard as dating but you need copywriting. Your communication needs to be on point but learning copywriting isn't in your job description; running your business is. Your personality needs to fit like a great pair of jeans; which is why I’m throwing in this bonus.

Secret number 8: Test Copywriting Project for the Win 🏅

Ask for their copywriting portfolio and plan for a test project before signing any long-term agreements. This gives both sides the ability to see the entire interaction from edits, to final delivery, to paying the invoice. All too often it can be uncomfortable to admit that it's not working out but you'll get that out of the way upfront. No hard feelings if it doesn’t work but at least you know.

You're the greatest judge of whats needed to run a successful business. Trust your gut.


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